Product design
- Archiveinstitutions
Ukrainian branches of VNIITE in Kyiv and Kharkiv - Archiveeducation
The Kharkiv School of Art and Industry - Archiveeducation
Experimental workshops of the Senezh Studio, 1964–91 - Archiveeducation
VNIITE Experiments in Design workshops, Moscow, 1977–89 - Archiveeducation
Faculty of Industrial Art at the Estonian State Art Institute, Tallinn - Archiveeducation
Department of Industrial Artistic Design, Vilnius, 1961 - Archiveeducation
Design education at Weissensee in Berlin and at ‘The Burg’ in Halle - Archiveeducation
Studio of Machine and Tool Shaping, Gottwaldov - Archiveeducation
Oskar Hansen’s Programme at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw - Archiveeducation
Artistic Research Workshop [ZAB], Warsaw - Archiveeducation
Faculty of Industrial Design at Kraków’s Academy of Fine Arts - Archiveeducation
Colour and Form Course, Ljubljana, 1961–63 - Archiveeducation
The B Course at the Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, 1960–62 - Archiveeducation
Academy of Applied Arts, Zagreb, 1949–55 - Archiveinstitutions
Industrial Design Information Center, Hungary [Ipari Formatervezési Információs Központ] - Archivemagazines
Ipari Forma - Archivemagazines
Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo SSSR - Archivemagazines
Technicheskaya Estetika - Archivemagazines
Projekt - Archivemagazines
Lakáskultúra, Ezermester, and Szép otthon - Archivemagazines
form+zweck — Zeitschrift für Gestaltung - Archivemagazines
Domov - Archivemagazines
Bit International 4: the design issue - Archivemagazines
Sinteza - Archivemagazines
Arhitekt - Archivecollections
Private collection of Alyona Sokolnikova - Archivecollections
Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb [Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, MUO] - Archivecollections
National Museum in Warsaw [Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie] - Archivecollections
Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, Tallinn [Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja Disainimuuseum, EDTM] - Archivecollections
National Gallery Prague [Národní galerie Praha, NGP] - Archivecollections
Museum of Applied Arts and Design of the Lithuanian National Museum of Art, Vilnius [Lietuvos nacionalinis dailės muziejus] - Archivecollections
Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana [Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, MAO] - Archivecollections
Museum of Utopia and Everyday Life, Eisenhüttenstadt [Museum Utopie und Alltag] - Archivecollections
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest [Magyar Iparművészeti Múzeum] - Archiveexhibitions
USSR–West Germany design exhibition exchanges, 1976–87 - Archiveexhibitions
The World of Objects international housing exhibition, Jablonec 1972 - Archiveexhibitions
GDR Design ’70, London - Archiveexhibitions
Art Exhibition of the GDR, Dresden, 1946–88 - Archiveexhibitions
Function, Form, Quality, 1967–72 - Archiveexhibitions
Biennial of Industrial Design (BIO), Ljubljana - Archivecollections
Slovak National Gallery and Slovak Design Center, Bratislava [Slovenská národná galéria / Slovenské centrum dizajnu] - Archiveexhibitions
Polish pavilion at the 12th Milan Triennial, 1960 - Archiveexhibitions
Design at the Leipzig Trade Fair - Archiveexhibitions
Yugoslav pavilion at Expo 58, Brussels - Archivenetworking
Design Center Stuttgart - Archivenetworking
Zsennye Workshop [Zsennyei Műhely] - Archivenetworking
International Bauhaus Colloquium, Weimar - Archivenetworking
Interdesign workshops in Eastern Europe - Archivenetworking
Design seminars at the Bauhaus Dessau - Archivenetworking
Interdesign workshops in the Soviet Union - Archivenetworking
The 9th ICSID Congress, Moscow, 1975 - Archivediscourses
Standardised Kitchen Project, 1972–75 - Archivediscourses
Exhibition series ‘Ruum ja Vorm’, 1969, 1972, 1976, 1984 - Archivediscourses
VTOMAR design programme, 1979–85 - Archiveinstitutions
Tallinn Art Products Factory design studio [Tallinna Kunstitoodete Kombinaadi disaini ateljee ARS] - Archiveinstitutions
The Vilnius branch of VNIITE, Lithuania [Sąjunginis techninės estetikos mokslinio tyrimo institutas Vilniaus filialas] - Archiveinstitutions
All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics, 1962–91 [VNIITE] - Archiveinstitutions
Central Institute for Design, Berlin [Zentralinstitut für Gestaltung ZfG] - Archiveinstitutions
Studio of Young Designers Association, Budapest [Fiatal Iparművészek Stúdiója Egyesület FISE] - Archiveinstitutions
Hungarian Design Council, Budapest [Magyar Formatervezési Tanács] - Archiveinstitutions
Studio for Housing and Interior Design, Ljubljana [Studio za stanovanje in opremo] - Archiveinstitutions
Institute of Housing and Clothing Culture, Prague [Ústav bytové a oděvní kultury ÚBOK] - Archiveinstitutions
Production Aesthetics Supervision Bureau, Warsaw [Biuro Nadzoru Estetyki Produkcji BNEP] - Archiveinstitutions
The Design and Industrial Production Aesthetic Council, Warsaw [Rada Wzornictwa Przemysłowego] - Exhibitionprivate space
Family and Household - Exhibitionprivate space
Housing for Our Conditions - Exhibitionprivate space
Futurodesign - Exhibitionpublic space
Paper architecture - Exhibitionprivate space
Liberating with Open Forms - Exhibitionpublic space
Openness of forms - Archivediscourses
Systems design with Polyform - Archiveinstitutions
Institute of Industrial Design, Warsaw [Instytut Wzornictwa Przemysłowego IWP] - Exhibitionprivate space
Systematic household - Archiveinstitutions
Center for Industrial Design, Zagreb [Centar za industrijsko oblikovanje CIO] - Exhibitionprivate space
Aesthetics of the wall unit - Exhibitionprivate space
Experimental spaces - Exhibitionprivate space
Space hoovers - Archivediscourses
Papanek in Yugoslavia - Archiveinstitutions
Office for Industrial Design, Berlin [Amt für industrielle Formgestaltung AiF] - Archivediscourses
The VNIITE ‘design programme’ concept - Exhibitionprivate space
Tips for your home